
  1. A blog regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.  

An example of a sports blog that is based on politics, sport and regular polls is called FiveThirtyEight blog. 

A YouTube Tutorial on how to set up a blog on I found this useful as it helped me understand and I could set up this blog. 

I find the most useful and easy to use website for making a blog as the set up is very similar to word. I struggled with naming the address as i had to put a certain words as it wouldn't let me put Adam woods blog. 

The layout of blogger when you are making a post is a bit like word. It is very easy to create a post as you just press create. 


  1. I can see you're all set up which is good. Just experiment and try to use the available features. The title of your blog needs an apostrophe - punctuation is still important! Try to add detail and make sure you demonstrate your skills.


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