
 What is a storyboard?

A storyboard is a series of drawings created by hand or digitally beside of what is happening in the scene. They can help to plan the animation or video and are usually drawn by hand.They are used to organise what is going to be happening and what the people need and visualising what each scene will look like while filming.

The arrows are very useful to show movement.If the arrow is inside of the square it means that the character is moving and if the arrow is outside the square it shows that the camera is moving. Examples of the arrows are: 

Arrows pointing down mean that the movement is tilt shot, high to low, low to high.

Arrows pointing sides mean pan shot, camera or character moving left to right  or right to left 

Arrows pointing towards the middle showing that the camera is zooming in. 

An example of storyboards.

This clearly shows what is going to happen in the scene and helps to tell the director what they will need in the scene so they can organise and prepare it. 

My next task was to draw a storyboard online I edited my storyboard from last year when I did my film project. I found it similar as the writing was different and easier to read as my handwriting isn't the best. I struggled with trying to do the drawings as I am not the best at drawing so I drew stickmen. 


My task was to draw a scenario that i choose out of three. The one I drew was a cowboy waiting for his opponent to draw his pistol in a duel. I found it easy to think of the cinematography and the camera angles. I found it hard to do a storyboard by hand as i am not very good at art so i had to draw stick men but i could still show the idea and the technical such as cinematography.
