
 The main techniques people can use are:

Sound editing 

This is a technique used to add sound effects, alerts, background sound, dialogue and music to interactive media product. 


Is a great way to make media interactive.For example gaming uses a wide range of animation to engage players. Websites use a range of animation such as scroll bars to both engage users and make navigation between page to page easier. 

Video editing 

This is a technique used to rearrange different shots to create a final version of a version that is ready to be viewed. Video editing can be used for:  combine scenes, remove unwanted scenes, add audio or even add computer-generated imagery. 

An example of an app you can use for video and sound editing is called Adobe premier clip. 

Image Manipulation

different techniques can be used to change or transform a image in a range of ways to suit specific needs. Resolution is included with this. Digital images are made up of pixels. When an image is manipulated these pixels shape and size are changed and the image can end up being distorted. Exposure correction is included with this.If an image is too light, it is overexposed. If an image is too dark, it is under exposed. Retouching is included with this. This is where an image might have an element that you don't want. If the sky is a cloud you don't want. Proportions means that all the elements should be the correct size. 

  Authoring software 

These are used by developers to a interactive media products that use a range of elements.
