
Showing posts from November, 2020

Mind maps

A mind map is  a diagram in which information is represented visually, usually with a central idea placed in the middle and associated ideas arranged around it.  My task was to make a mind map based off of research on what can help an media product.  Mind Map Advantages of doing this online was that it was easier to upload as I just have to create a link. Also it is easier to be more creative online as you have the internet. Disadvantages is that I could've added image or made it a bit more creative. I prefer hand drawing it as it is easier and you have a lot more room when writing it by hand.   This is my mind map drawn by hand.


A source provides information about a specific topic. Examples of sources are:  the internet, books, magazines, technical manuals.    This is an example of a source.     Internet  The internet provides access to a vast amount of information. For example you can find website that give instructions on how to set up a website.  Books  Even though the internet has a lot of information that fast and easy to access, there's a posibility that that the information isn't from an expert in the field. You could learn better.  Technical manuals  These are created to support the use of a product by providing step-by-step information that enables users to set up. These are basically instructions. Often include images or animation to help make it easier to follow.  Magazines  Can include valuable information on sources that can be used to develop interactive media products.


 The main techniques people can use are: Sound editing  This is a technique used to add sound effects, alerts, background sound, dialogue and music to interactive media product.  Animation  Is a great way to make media interactive.For example gaming uses a wide range of animation to engage players. Websites use a range of animation such as scroll bars to both engage users and make navigation between page to page easier.  Video editing  This is a technique used to rearrange different shots to create a final version of a version that is ready to be viewed. Video editing can be used for:  combine scenes, remove unwanted scenes, add audio or even add computer-generated imagery.  An example of an app you can use for video and sound editing is called Adobe premier clip.  Image Manipulation different techniques can be used to change or transform a image in a range of ways to suit specific needs. Resolution is included with this. Digital images are made up of pixels. When an image is manipulat


 A hazard is something that may be dangerous or risk. Examples of this are computer, movement, furniture, heating and fire. It is important that companies try to identify potential hazards so that they can plan to avoid them. To plan for hazards people try and do a risk assessment. This identify the risks and how they can ensure that it is safe.Every company should do this.  Safe work practices are often put in place after a risk assessment to give instructions on how to carry out a task safely. These can put be put out for many tasks to minimize risk when a person is doing a job.  Location Recce is typically carried out before recording a video to test a suitability of a location.  My task was to make a risk assessment based off of the classroom.  Risk assessment


 What is a storyboard? A storyboard is a series of drawings created by hand or digitally beside of what is happening in the scene. They can help to plan the animation or video and are usually drawn by hand.They are used to organise what is going to be happening and what the people need and visualising what each scene will look like while filming. The arrows are very useful to show movement.If the arrow is inside of the square it means that the character is moving and if the arrow is outside the square it shows that the camera is moving. Examples of the arrows are:  Arrows pointing down mean that the movement is tilt shot, high to low, low to high. Arrows pointing sides mean pan shot, camera or character moving left to right  or right to left  Arrows pointing towards the middle showing that the camera is zooming in.  An example of storyboards. This clearly shows what is going to happen in the scene and helps to tell the director what they will need in the scene so they can organise and


  This is the story My task was to write a script based off of this short story. This is my script


  Audiences  Audiences can be separated into specific groups: Demographics- Audiences are identified in term of their:  social class, age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, relationship status and family.   Psychographics- Audiences are identified by their:  motivation and needs, desires, aspirations, likes and dislikes.   Mainstreamers-This is the largest group. These seek security in comfort and buy established brands.  Aspirers- Motivation is to status. They buy smart, high tech and high fashioned goods.  Reformers- Want to make the world a better place. These are normally educated professionals.

Wireframe Online and Hand drawn

 My task was to make a wireframe on an online wireframe site. I made mine based off of YouTube. This is the wireframe that I made on MockFlow of a YouTube channel. I found this easier than drawing the wireframe by hand as you don't have to draw anything, you just have to drag the icon and change the size. I struggled with finding an icon for a video of the channel. I had to use the circle and have the rectangle with a line through it.  My task is to make a hand drawn Wireframe of what a website looks like. I chose Youtube.  This my hand drawn Wireframe. The advantage of this is that it helped me understand how Wireframes can help out. The disadvantage of this is that I am not very good at art so I didn't look as good as it does on the online.  Overall, I found that it was easier to use Mock Flow than it was to hand draw it.


                                                                    Wireframe   It is a way to design a website service at the structural level. It is commonly used to lay out content  and functionality on a page. Advantages  Is an early visual that can be used to review with a client,  Ensure the page content and functionality is correct.   Disadvantages  Does not include any design  Hard for the client to grasp the concept  too much to fit in the wireframe  Should be used early in a project to get the users and clients approval.It should provide the project team confidence in moving on.